Saturday, December 4, 2010

OMG I have been so lazy in updating this

I have been really busy with lots of work and lots of netball, so have not had the time to put up blogs.  Anyway here is a quick post of pics over the last month or so....
 Abigales parents wanted some xmas feel shots for their xmas cards, she looked amazing and mum loved the photos.

 These lovely girls where a dream to photograph, the funny thing is that their mum went to school with my partner, such a small world.

 Another stunning family, I first meet Pania when I had the chance to photograph her wedding as part of my training.
 Lil Sophia at about 10 days......
 Sophia now about 2 months.

 My girl....
 Parents about to be, this couple where just lovely, although a bit shy. 
 Civil union for Rebe and Rach... what an awesome day....
 tania and Mac... wow... such an awesome couple... so nice to work with.

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