I am very lucky to be part of a rather tight group of friends, and every now and then we go a little off track. Sometimes we forget what we have in each other and what our friendship means.
We are all so completely different but that is what makes us.
We all meet through our job, as I guess alot of friendships do, and that was nearly 10 years ago, we have been though alot together, from sad times to happy times, three of the most happiest to date are our trip to Rarotonga as four girls having a good time (thanks to Sharon for the trip) the marriages of our good friends Corina in Wellington and Louise in Rarotonga, where Sharon and I where bridesmaids, and Corina was our life saver do alot of the things that we where not able to do on the day.... and of course the births of our children....
Any way here are a couple of photos that portray our friendship, I think these show what we have and how we have it.
Just as a sign off, I wanna say a big thanks to my girlfriends, you're awesome and I love u all so much.... and I am sure we will have a lot for more happy moments and hopefully a lot less sad ones.... xxxxx
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