Sunday, June 27, 2010


Evening, well it is here in New Zealand 8.43pm to be precise. Its been over a week since I last wrote, and its only because I have not had the time. I am a very active person, and play indoor netball a minimum of five days a week, its damn good for the stress levels, and believe you me, I know what stress it, i have it every working day. My photography use to be a great stress relief and it still is to a degree.

I dont spend so much time anymore using photo editing tools, I have learnt the manual settings on my new camera and I love it. Everyday is a day where I am learning something new.

Any way it still be crappy weather here and I have not been out to get photos, I have however, been doing some pregnancy portraits, and if you want to have a look feel free to have a nosy at my page on facebook.
So I know I have titled this lighting so I have three images to show you that where taken at some ungodly hour, using the moonlight/street lighting as my main source of light.
The first one was taken from my back door, the moon was full and the clouds where playing nice.

The second was out at a cemetary and while the lens was open i turned the zoom to get a different look... mmmm spooky huh.

The above is in Christchurch... the lightening amazing......

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